Quim Motger

I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Software and Service Engineering Research Group (GESSI), from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTech). My research is focused on the field of natural language processing applied to requirements engineering for document analysis and feedback gathering.

About me


Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering

Major in Software Engineering

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Major in Artificial Intelligence

PhD in Computing

Natural language processing methods for document-based requirements specification and validation tasks


Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering

  • Web Applications and Services (ASW): 2019/2020 Q1; 2019/2020 Q2; 2020/2021 Q1; 2021/2022 Q2; 2022/2023 Q2; 2023/2024 Q2.
  • Databases (BD): 2020/2021 Q1; 2021/2022 Q1.

Bachelor's Degree in Data Science and Engineering

  • Databases (BD): 2022/2023 Q1; 2023/2024 Q2.

Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

  • Automotive Embedded Systems (AES): 2021/2022 Q2; 2022/2023 Q2; 2023/2024 Q2.

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

  • Object-Oriented Design (DPOO: 2020/2021 Q1; 2020/2021 Q2; 2021/2022 Q2; 2022/2023 Q1; 2022/2023 Q2; 2023/2024 Q1; 2023/2024 Q2.

Research projects


(2015 - 2016)

Managing Risk and Cost in Open Source Software Projects. Horizon 2020 program from the European Commission.


(2016 - 2017)

SUpporting evolution and adaptation of PERsonalized Software by Exploiting contextual Data and End-user feedback. Horizon 2020 program from the European Commission.

Reactive Plan

(2017 - 2018)

Reactive Plan: A Tool for Continuous Software Release Planning. Knowledge Industry Grants for 2020.


(2018 - 2020)

Intelligent Recommendation & Decision Technologies for Community-Driven Requirements Engineering. Horizon 2020 program from the European Commission.


(2021 - 2025)

Development, Operation and Data Governance for ML-based Software Systems. Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.





Secure Android cross-app intent-based feature integration. 2023. Author: Daniel Pulido Gálvez

Development of a context knowledge system for mobile conversational agents. 2023. Author: Raúl Lozano García

Impact of sentiment analysis in NL-based mobile app feature extraction. 2023. Author: Agustí Gállego Marfà

Fine Tuning Transformer Models for Domain Specific Feature Extraction. 2023. Author: Carla Campàs Gené

Diseño y desarrollo de un chatbot para dar soporte a los usuarios de dispositivos móviles en el mantenimiento de su catálogo de aplicaciones. 2021. Author: Bran Rodríguez Castro




Extraordinary Award for the best academic record of the University Master's Degree in Computer Engineering - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

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